Friday, May 30, 2008

Naaaaaa na na na

Out of nowhere, suddenly, this saxophone piece starts on my headphone. Sax? on this work music list? It is soo melodious. Somehow I have heard it a million times, but could not figure out what it was, until the words came out "Vande maaateram...." Oh man! Patriotism was not in my mind, more like sleep.

Just a second ago, I was about to pack things and go home. Have a peg or two and sleep off. For, you see, most part of the week I had a cough, a cold, a sore throat, or a combination of all these three. Very tiring, but not too bad. I know how I got it, I got it so wonderfully. In the middle of the chilly mid-may downpour, driving down the inter-state. With saxo-phone on my ears.

The prettiest way to catch a cold :-)


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