Monday, August 07, 2006

My contribution

Ammani had brought her blog back to life and this time she has asked readers to submit a letter to anyone starting with "My dear." I was not sure if my contribution was going to make it so I am posting it here!

My dear Grandson,

Good to know that you are getting married. Your fiancé looks very
beautiful. Congratulations. Of course, we have all started the
preparations for the marriage which is in less than 2 months. There is
a small detail that I am sure you have not told your fiancé. I think
it is important that you say this to that girl before you get married.

When you were a small kid, you were a real brat. You were so
mischievous that your mom (my daughter) lost 20% of her body mass. You
were a wonderful loving son but that did not make you any less
troublesome. You broke most of the things in the house, fought with
your sister like a tiger, would not eat anything, get bruises
everyday, run like a rabbit, jump like a grasshopper, fly like a bee,
had two life threatening accidents that shook the whole family, but
you may not remember any of that.

There was a time when I felt so helpless and desperate that I cursed
you: "The curse of a brat son." I cursed you that you will one day
have a son exactly like you were. I love you my grandson but the curse
was heart felt. I am afraid that it might come true.

So, take care and may God help you.

I love you,
No, it is not completely fiction.
No, I am not getting married.
Yes, my fiancé, don't tell me that I did not warn you.

I hope I only have daughters!


Blogger Ananya S P said...

Ha :) Ha :) Good one...I guess all of us were a menace to our grandparents in some way or the other :)

Saturday, August 19, 2006 at 9:06:00 PM CDT  
Blogger The Kid said...

yeah! I think I had ADD before I was 5 years old but was not diagnosed...

thanks and keep coming.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 at 6:15:00 PM CDT  

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